The Post Carbon City Manifesto
1. The second pillar, the post-carbon city, requires holistic and interconnected action and ideas across a broad range of areas: infrastructure, work, governance, culture, education leisure, mobility, health.
2. Municipalities will play a key role in setting ambitious net zero carbon and renewable energy plans, and they will require significant new powers to prohibit polluting and climate unsafe activities.
3. City owned entities need to lead the way in creating and distributing affordable, locally generated green energy.
4. All new neighbourhood planning needs to reorienting around zero carbon living arrangements, designing out energy use and designing in low impact travel, work and leisure options.
5. Primary legislation will be required to break up the brown fuel sector.
6. A huge subsidy transfer is required away from centralised and corporate energy providers to a constellation of civic energy ones.
7. Difficult choices need to be pursued to curtail and reduce energy demand, especially around hyper-consumerism and poor city zoning.
8. The potential of civic energy needs unleashing through regulatory changes and stimulating innovation so that every building becomes a power station.
9. Citizen groups are best placed to design, implement and manage local energy systems. Their power needs unleashing through enabling finance and regulations so they can lead the civic energy revolution.
10. Given the scale of the task and the sluggishness of the response in the face of mounting climate breakdown, coalitions of groups taking direct action will play a role in the lock down unsustainable and dangerous activities.